Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Invasion of the Time Waster!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I spend my time. I am a world class time waster. I like to look a photos on facebook, look up funny clips on youtube, watch movies, and worst of all, I read all the time! Now these aren't horrible things to do on their own, but when they start to replace things like folding laundry, writing in my journal, doing my VT, and other things, as they have in my life, it becomes a very bad habit.

I can spend hours playing with Liam and I consider that time extremely well spent, but after he goes to bed, I get really selfish about my time. I SHOULD be cleaning up the house a little, reading my scriptures, preparing FHE...but I usually don't.

I think that part of living righteously is striving to live to our full potential. Heavenly Father gives us gifts and it is wrong not to use them for the benefit of others. When I have spent hours on the internet or reading a novel and I realize it's 11pm and I want to go to bed...the things I should have been doing to better myself and my family often get swept under the rug. I want to be a good mother and to me, that means not only caring and loving and teaching Liam, but it also means I have to be healthy and happy as well.

My little family brings me such great joy and I want to be the best mother and wife I can be for Liam and Hysen. This post has been a little erratic, but I guess I'm writing this as a wake up call for myself. If I put this on the internet, it's out there, and everyone knows. (Yikes!) I can't be a time waster anymore. Of course, there will always be days that I don't get a lot done, but I can't spend my free time on mindless tasks and selfish 'Me Time'. Here's to self improvement.


  1. I've been going thru this same thing. I have a messy house (dishes to wash, clothes to fold, floores to vaccume, ect.) & I find myself online, scrapbooking, reading...I think we are all guilty of this at some point but I too need to wake up & stop taking all my free time to do "me" things. This week I have been especially guilty of this. It's just been a very "not motivated at all" week. So you are not alone!

  2. Sweet girls (I say that like I am some sort of sage), if there is anything I have learned it is that "me" time is actually essential to being a great wife, mother, etc......of course balance is the key.....which looks different for everyone and is different at different times in our lives. ALL of my friends who have children are dealing with this all time. I struggle with this everyday. I do think however that we have to do the things that are life giving to us (besides taking care of our kids)....otherwise we have no life to give to others....I believe that the Lord will let us know what things aren't giving us peace, or rest or inspiration and then we can let those things go..BUT, do not let the "me" time go....otherwise, how will be able to be yourself.......I know both of you are darling, righteous mothers....whom the Lord has sent amazing children to....He trusts you and knows what you need to feel fulfilled and rested. Trust Him to help you find the balance.
