Friday, November 5, 2010

Adjustment Bureau

Is it alright to dub myself Superwoman or is that a title that needs to be given by someone else? Today marks the end of my first week back at work. No tears, no breakdowns, no major mishaps...all in all a pretty smooth transition. Well actually, it seemed more like an abrupt jolt, but still a success. Liam was such a good boy every day. Yes it was heart wrenching to kiss his little cheeks goodbye every morning, but it was so incredibly wonderful to see him smile when he saw me when I walked in the door every afternoon. He knows his momma! I think it really helps me that we co-sleep with him. Sometimes sharing a bed with a baby is not very sleep inducing, but I love getting snuggle time with him at night. I missed him all day but I resisted the urge to call and check on him every five minutes. I want to pat myself on the back. And I'm so proud of Liam, too! What a good little man!

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with everything on my plate now, but I hope with time that will ease a bit. It's difficult to just jump right back into everything at my job and feel totally competent. Hopefully no one notices when I get that 'dazed and confused' look!

Looking forward to the next 48 hours of uninterrupted Liam and Mommy time!

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