Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back to the Daily Grind

So it's back to work for me tomorrow...I have a whole plethora of mixed feelings. I work for the local community services board at a day program for adults with intellectual disabilities called the Magnolia Center. It's really great and we usually have a lot of fun. (Where else can you go to the park, put on plays, dress up for Halloween, play volleyball, and just have a great time?!) Oh and I forgot to mention the food...for some reason we're always eating something yummy. It's almost like it's a requirement that you have to gain weight in order to work there. Anyway, so I like my job...but I absolutely adore staying at home with my son! The past two and half months have been some of the best of my life. Getting to know Liam, waking up to the sounds of him cooing next to me, rocking him to sleep, and just watching him grow and experience the world around him renders me speechless. From the moment he was born, I haven't been away from him for more than a couple of hours at a time and starting tomorrow I'll be apart from him 8 hours a day! I'm sure every mother goes through this and I'm confident that both he and I will be fine after a period of adjustment. It's just that I will miss him so dearly every moment right up until I walk through the front door when I get home.

Maybe I'll move to Switzerland or Sweden or wherever that guy in the news was from....he got a year and half of PAID paternity leave. A year and a half!!! And he's not even the mother! Sometimes America really bites.

Well, anyway we'll see how tomorrow goes. Also to make things even more interesting, I'm going to use a pump at work so Liam can still benefit from breastmilk even if I can't be there to nurse him. I hope I don't drive my co-workers and my husband crazy with calls and worrying all day long. I'm sure everything will be fine. Here I am worried about Liam, but wouldn't it be funny if he didn't even notice I'm gone? :)

Maybe if I win the lottery I can stay home.

Who can resist this bundle of sweetness?

Beautiful baby boy!