Friday, October 1, 2010

New to blogging...

So I'm new to blogging...or at least having my very own blog. My husband, Hysen and I have a blog for our photography business,, but this will be all mine. And FYI - Justo is pronounced "hoo-stow". It's a pet peeve.

Ahhh motherhood. I've only been a mom for almost 7 weeks, but already it feels like Liam has always been a part of my life. Each day isn't easy but nothing gives me greater joy than seeing him smile or feeling his weight on my chest as he sleeps. I can't believe this little human being started as a tiny peanut in me! It's so hard to fathom that one day he will walk, talk, get married, and have kids of his own! (When he's 40 or so.)

Liam laughed for the first time a few days ago...what a sweet sound. Then he projectile spit up onto the wall. What a little miracle he is.

Liam around a week old


A view of Liam on the inside...33 weeks gestation

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