Sunday, October 3, 2010

A day with the boys...and other stuff

Yesterday was just plain wonderful. Hysen, Liam, and I slept in until 9 (it's such a fabulous feeling to snuggle with a newborn baby) and then we headed out to the Stake Center to watch a session of General Conference (for our church, ). Liam was such a good boy all day! He's smiling more and more and he loves to talk! Of course, he only speaks whale right now, but we're working on that. Here's a video of Liam on his changing table talking up a storm (and laughing a little) that Hysen shot today:

After watching part of the second session of Conference, we headed out to our friend Derek's house to do a photo shoot with him, his girlfriend Jamie, and her three kids Madison, Mackenzie, and Matthew. We took some great pictures and had a good time. However, it was all a guise so Derek could propose to Jamie at the end! (She said yes.) It felt great to be a part of such a unique experience.
Liam has developed quite a talent for startling himself...particularly when he's almost asleep. It all started a couple of weeks ago when he sneezed while I was feeding him. His eyes flew open and he stared at me for  a split second...then the shrieking began. Since then, he frequently startles himself with hiccups, burps, or the worst - heartwrenching crying in his sleep. (Seriously, he's still asleep while he emits random crying sounds. So pitiful and sad to hear.) The startling isn't improved when Hysen accidentally slams the door at the precise moment Liam falls asleep after I rock him for 45 minutes (true story).

I've been trying to find time to do a little yoga each day. Sometimes I don't even have the chance to get out my mat before I hear Liam wake up from a nap, but when I do get to stretch and do some poses, it really feels great. Ever since Liam was born, I've had really painful backaches every day and sometimes the yoga helps to stretch it out. I have to admit though, I do really easy poses. I actually still use the prenatal yoga video that I used during my pregnancy.

Another note on yoga and pregnancy...if there are any women out there close to their due dates and want to speed up the process, yoga is the way to go. A few hours before I went into labor, I took a walk with Hysen, my sister Jessica, and my neice Ella. We walked a mile or so in 95 degree weather and I was one day past my due date. Then Jess and I did an hour of prenatal yoga. A few hours later, I was in labor! Thinking about it now, I can't believe how active I was right up until I had Liam...even though I didn't feel like I was doing a whole lot. I worked the week before he was born (I took half a day on Thursday and all of Friday off because one of my sisters came to visit...Liam was born the following Monday). I hope to be as healthy and active during my next pregnancy.

This post has been all over the place! That's what I get for posting to my blog before writing in my journal...I want to talk about everything and can't stay on one subject. Sorry! :) I just want to share how wonderful life has been lately!

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