Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

I LOVE autumn! It's my favorite season! The colors, the cool crisp air, the frost, wearing sweaters and hats, drinking hot chocolate...all of it! In honor of this most beautiful and fabulous season (and really the only one worth mentioning at all when discussing seasons), I would like to give a shout out to some of my favorite things:

Clothes fresh from the dryer
A good book (so many out there!)
Music (Bob Marley, Celtic, Jazz, Norah Jones, I could go on and on)
My Family
Liam and Hysen (They get their own category!)
America's Funniest Home Videos (I seriously die laughing)
Getting a massage
Taking a nap with Liam
Taking a leisurely drive (With gas prices this hasn't happened in a while)
Learning more about the gospel
The smell of a home cooked meal (especially if someone else cooked it!)
Zombie Movies!!!!
HOT showers
Yoga (love my new mat Jess, thanks!)
CSI and Grey's Anatomy (Because other people's drama is so much more interesting)
Hot Chocolate
Journal Writing (when I have time)

I could go on and on and on....there are so many things I love and so many things I have to be grateful for. I love that I can get up and choose to enjoy each day, no matter what that day brings. I am so very thankful for the things that I have been blessed with, especially my husband and my son. Sometimes my heart feels full to bursting and at those times and always, it is especially important to give thanks. I am grateful for the life I love to live!

A forever family

My sweet boys


  1. What books are you recommending? (non scary of course)........

  2. Let's see....I would recommend The Chronicles of Narnia (all of them), The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb, The Innocent Man by John Grisham, The Other Boleyn Girl, Speak, Little Pink House by Jeff Benedict (he's in my ward at church), Les Miserables, and many many more Jess. :) Enjoy.
